Friday, 20 December 2013

Our Lady's

Mmmm. About 15 - 20 of the 400 local Mass goers were at Mass on the last First Saturday (Dec 7th). This is the usual Saturday morning Mass attendance during University term time.

3 stayed on after Mass for the Rosary and for the 15 minutes prayer before the Blessed Sacrament meditating on the Mysteries of the Rosary.

The Legion of Mary has been trying to raise the profile of the First Five Saturdays devotion in our Parish this year.  Three 'Fatima film nights', posters about this devotion in the Church and Chaplaincy, little prayer cards etc.

Our Lady's stats 3 followers, 397 unfollowers via Our Lady's #JustSaying

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Why we need some revolutionary spirit . . . and WHY Lucky the Leprechaun is gay

As the 'regime' marches on toward the abyss some of us admire the Americans and the French who have manifested their revolutionary genes and harnessed the placard and the flag and the tee-shirt (LA MANIF POUR TOUS) and social media (Pro Life Twitter storms in the USA) while we by comparison can seem inert and deaf to what is going to come.

If we sneeze when the US catches a cold then get out some big hankies because within days of the Supreme Court ruling on same sex unions the regime in the US is moving swiftly to exploit the, now, legitimised grooming of our children.

Gen Mills sweets are proud (and it's all about 'pride' yes?) to cash in on their rainbow packaging to highlight their support of the new 'diversity' in society.  They are 'gaying up' the candy folks. Yes, Lucky the Leprechaun is gay.

Meanwhile CBS are in talks with leaders of the LGBT  community to discuss how best to incorporate transgender characters into their programming. Apparently it's 'critical' that they are portrayed in a positive light.

Over at Disney they have announced a children's channel programme is to include two lesbian 'parents' to make it 'more relevant to children'.

Back in Blighty a couple in London were forced to delete 'in sickness and in health' from their marriage vows as it was deemed to be too Christian.

My question is: are we ready for the seismic changes that will follow the same sex union legislation?
Are we ready for the LEGITIMISED GROOMING OF CHILDREN because that's what it will be.

Where are OUR Twitter storms? Where are our #hashtags? Where are our leaders? Our placards? Tee-shirts?